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Tag: 12steps

Practicing Acceptance in Recovery

Practicing Acceptance in Recovery: An Ongoing Process

Life on Life’s Terms: The Value of Practicing Acceptance Practicing acceptance in recovery is not just a principle—it is the heart of getting and staying clean and sober. Whether we are newly sober or have many years of sobriety, the truth is life can sometimes be difficult to navigate. The best way

Twelve Step Program

Understanding Super Meth: The Rising Threat

In recent years, the drug epidemic has taken a new turn with the emergence of “super meth,” a more potent form of methamphetamine that is causing significant concern among public health officials, law enforcement, and communities across the globe. This blog post delves into what super meth is, its differences

Women in Recovery

The Dangers of Suboxone in Treating Opioid Addiction

Suboxone, a name increasingly heard in discussions about opioid addiction treatment, presents itself as a beacon of hope for those entangled in the throes of dependency. However, beneath its therapeutic guise, the dangers of Suboxone paint a starkly different picture. This article delves into what Suboxone is, its rise to

Free from Addiction

Facing the Meth Crisis: The Dangers of Using Meth

The methamphetamine crisis continues to ravage communities across the US, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Meth, a highly addictive stimulant, poses severe risks to mental and physical health, often leading to devastating long-term consequences. Let’s talk about the dangers of meth, how powerful addiction to it is,

Step One in Alcoholics Anonymous

Step One in Recovery: Embracing Change and Rediscovering Hope

The Power of Step One Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous is, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” Embarking on the journey of recovery can be both daunting and transformative. Whether you are struggling with addiction or supporting a loved one in their

Twelve Steps

Step One: What Is Powerlessness Over Addiction?

Step One – Admitting Powerlessness Over Our Addiction What is powerlessness in addiction? Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous both discuss powerlessness over addiction in Step One. Let’s discuss what that means. As a reminder, Step One from Narcotics Anonymous states: We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Break Through the Cycle of Addiction

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction  Addiction doesn’t happen overnight. It happens slowly and in stages. Understanding the cycle is crucial. to helping us learn how to break the cycle of addiction. There are six stages that comprise the cycle of addiction. They are: Initial use Abuse Tolerance  Dependence  Addiction  Relapse 


Ten Tips to Help You Succeed in Rehab

You’ve Made the Decision to Get Help The journey to recovery begins now  Suppose you are new to residential recovery for addiction treatment. In that case, you may wonder what you need to do to succeed in rehab. First, congratulations on making the decision to get clean. Addiction is a

Twelve Step Meeting

“Rainbow Fentanyl” and Halloween – How to Keep Kids Safe

The DEA is Issuing Warnings Before Halloween Related to “Rainbow” Fentanyl Parents need to warn their kids about treats that may not be candy! It’s nearly Halloween and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is warning parents and young adults about the dangers of candy-colored “rainbow fentanyl” pills. Pills that look