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Tag: addiction

Step One in Alcoholics Anonymous

Step One in Recovery: Embracing Change and Rediscovering Hope

The Power of Step One Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous is, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.” Embarking on the journey of recovery can be both daunting and transformative. Whether you are struggling with addiction or supporting a loved one in their


The Dangers of the Tranq Have Hit Atlanta

What is Tranq? The horse tranquilizer that poses a risk to all addicts. America’s newest drug of concern is Xylazine, otherwise down as tranq. The dangers of tranq cannot be overstated. It is a major public health concern! Tranq is the street name for the horse tranquilizer Xylazine. Now, opiate


Teenage Drug Abuse: Experimentation Isn’t an Option

The Dangers of Teenage Drug Abuse Teenage drug abuse has never posed a greater danger than it does today. The fentanyl epidemic is perilous. Teens may think they are safe from the dangers of fentanyl if they stay away from opiates or pills. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Fentanyl has

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

Break Through the Cycle of Addiction

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction  Addiction doesn’t happen overnight. It happens slowly and in stages. Understanding the cycle is crucial. to helping us learn how to break the cycle of addiction. There are six stages that comprise the cycle of addiction. They are: Initial use Abuse Tolerance  Dependence  Addiction  Relapse 

Twelve Step Meeting

“Rainbow Fentanyl” and Halloween – How to Keep Kids Safe

The DEA is Issuing Warnings Before Halloween Related to “Rainbow” Fentanyl Parents need to warn their kids about treats that may not be candy! It’s nearly Halloween and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is warning parents and young adults about the dangers of candy-colored “rainbow fentanyl” pills. Pills that look

Top Five Reasons to Get Clean

Top Five Reasons to Get Clean Now!

Getting Clean Now Will Change Your Life Here are five reasons why! Are you an addict considering getting clean? The thought of life without drugs can be overwhelming and scary, but there are so many reasons to get clean today! Here are five reasons why you should get clean now.

Up Your Recovery Game with a God Box!

What is a God Box? Hint: You don’t need to be religious to use one! A God Box is a box used to put thoughts, worries, and obsessions in – it is an intentional act of letting go and giving negativity over to a higher power.  Don’t let the term