“Rainbow Fentanyl” and Halloween – How to Keep Kids Safe
The DEA is Issuing Warnings Before Halloween Related to “Rainbow” Fentanyl
Parents need to warn their kids about treats that may not be candy!
It’s nearly Halloween and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is warning parents and young adults about the dangers of candy-colored “rainbow fentanyl” pills.

Pills that look like candy in a box that looks like a toy. Recently, a woman in New York City was arrested with over 15,000 “rainbow fentanyl” pills. She was concealing the candy-colored pills in a Lego box. That’s the danger kids are facing.
With so many regular seizures of “rainbow” fentanyl arrests, it’s hard to imagine how many pills are already in our neighborhoods. Just before Halloween, the influx of “rainbow fentanyl” poses a potentially deadly risk to kids and young adults.
Parents need to be aware of the risk and warn their kids about the dangers of fentanyl.
“Rainbow Fentanyl” Fact Sheet
- “Rainbow fentanyl” can be found in pills and powders and looks like candy
- Drug cartels are using “rainbow fentanyl” before Halloween to target young Americans
- Social media is often used to sell and distribute the drug
- A fentanyl overdose can be deadly.
- Symptoms of overdose include shallow breathing, pinpoint pupils, losing consciousness, and more
- The bright colors of “rainbow fentanyl” make them appealing to children and young adults
- Narcan is a drug that can help reverse fentanyl overdose if administered immediately
- Narcan is available at most pharmacies. Some states don’t require a prescription.
- Young adults may fear calling 911 when an overdose happens, but most states have laws to protect them from arrest
How to Protect Your Kids from “Rainbow Fentanyl”
It’s time to talk!
Parents with young children should be aware that “rainbow fentanyl” is a real and present danger this Halloween. “Rainbow fentanyl” looks like common candy brands, like Skittles and Nerds. So, be careful and check all candy after kids go trick or treating.
Have meaningful, age-appropriate conversations with your kids so they can take care of themselves and one another.
If You or Someone You Know is Struggling with Fentanyl Addiction, Help is Available!
Everyone deserves the gift of recovery.
The fentanyl crisis impacts teens and adults from all ages and every socioeconomic background. At Breakthrough Recovery Outreach, we help addicts break free. Our residential recovery programs for teens and adults help addicts learn to live a new and infinitely better way of life.
We are committed to helping every addict find the freedom they deserve!